An identifier is a sequence of letters and digits. Identifiers are created to give unique name to C entities to identify it during the execution of program. It means names given to various program elements, such as variables, function, etc..,
Rules for naming an Identifier
- The first character must be “_”( underscore ) or any alphabet character.
Ex: abc_, a_bc, a1bc, A1_bc - We can use both upper and lower case but upper case character is not equal to lower case character.
Ex: abc is not equal to ABC - Keyword, special symbols and space are not allowed.
EX: int, void, $abc, 1abc, a bc - An identifier can be of any length while most of the C compiler recognizes only the first 31 characters.
// Identifiers are in this program : MD_SN, abc, ABC, a_bc1, A_BC2
#include <stdio.h>
int MD_SN();
char abc='M', ABC='D', a_bc1='S', A_BC2='N';
int main()
return 0;
int MD_SN()