Comment line in C Program

The comment statement is not executable. Comments are like helping text in C program and they are ignored by the compiler and it is very helpful to understand the program easily. There are two types of comment in C program.
  1. Single line comment
  2. Multi line comment

1.Single line comment

  1. It can be Placed anywhere in C program
  2. Single line comment starts with " // "
  3. It can't be split over Multiple lines like Multi line comment
  4. Any symbols written after "//" will be ignored by C compiler.

// Title   :  Learn C
// Author  :  Mohamed Ushman
#include <stdio.h> 
int main()
  printf("Learn C :)");   // Single line comment 
  return 0;// Until the end of line will be ignored by C compiler 

2. Multi line comment

  1. It can be Placed anywhere in C program
  2. Single line comment starts with "/*" and ends with "*/"
  3. It can be split over Multiple lines
  4. It can be used like Single line comment

  Title     :  Learn C
  Author  :  Mohamed Ushman
  #include <stdio.h> 
  int main()
  printf("Learn C :)");   /* It can be used like Single line comment */
  printf("Learn C program");   Ignored By C Compiler
  return 0; 

Different way of using comments

We can use comment to specify variables and some operation like addition, subtraction, etc.., .

  *    Title     :  Learn C
  *    Author  :  Mohamed Ushman
  #include <stdio.h> 
  int main()
  int a=5,b=5;
  int c;       //   To display output
  c=a+b;   //  Adition 
  c=a-b;   //  Subtraction 
printf("Value of c=%d",c);
  return 0; 